Watched "Painted Skin" and found it a touching movie. No offence but at first i thought it would be a pure rubbish show. And the only reasons i would watch is it is to watch Zhao Wei and Donnie Yen. And true enough i really enjoyed their acting. Zhou Xun is not really my cup of tea though. Anyway, recommended by me. If you're into this kind of show it's worth a watch. =)
Was at Tampines Mall with Baobei..
Taken while waiting for our turn at Starhub..
Had quite a long day.. Guess i'll add more post the next time =) (Singing "Time to... Say Goodbye..)

This is a little gift from Dawn. It's out of nowhere with no special occasion. Very surprised and i really appreciate it. Very thoughtful =) So Thanks Dawn! This post is specially for you!
I'm going to Macau with baobei and his mum next month! But frankly we know nuts about the place. Guess we got to research a little on where to buy, eat and play cheap and good stuff. If you've got any idea, i'm begging you... let me know! =)