Celebrated a simple but a fulfilling birthday with Baobei. I don't really mind a simple celebration. It really depends on who i'm spending with. And in this case, it's with my Baobei!!! Took this really sweet picture here with the very rare look on my face! Hehe! Feel really safe in his arms! =)
Went celebrating birthday with Choon Hong. Coz we're both June babies so tot celebrating on the same day will be better. Had quite a special day coz we have never celebrated on the same day before. He had the "honor" to plan out the day so my job is just to wait for surprises to happen. Haha.. but next yr guess the "honor" will be passed to me.. Anyway i really enjoyed my day doing nothing just following wat is planned! LOL! So thanks Choon Hong!! =)
Met up with Qi Guai to have more catching up too. Think should find more opportunities to meet up more. There's just so much to talk about! Really treasure the friendship and the openness that's in it. For the next few days i would be busy preparing the drama for Youth Camp 2009. Have quite an exciting idea for the drama. Praise God! Pray hard that He will anoint the team and we can really deliver a good one!
Went out with Qi Guai just now. Kinda like a mini-birthday celebration =) Love the gifts! Thanks qi guai! Really had quite a crazy time and a great time catching up. She's has become a really crazy person n is it my fault??? Hahahahaha...! Anyway love her lots! So blessed to have a buddy like her, special to me! =)

This afternoon Jordan said "HI" to me! I'm serious! I was saying hi to him repeatedly and he caught it and said hi a couple of times. Doubt he knows wat hi means but he's real smart and quick in learning. Never knew i can love a baby so much. He's just so adorable! Thank God his my nephew! haha.. Dunno when he will start calling "yee yee". HEHE!